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#!/usr/bin/perl -s  ### NOT WITH -w

use locale;

my $pt1 = '##PT1##'; #/usr/lib/mbrola/pt1/pt1';

# use vars qw{ $debug $raw $esd $t $l $q $show $notags};
our ($debug, $raw, $esd, $play, $sndplay, $t, $l, $k, $q, $show, $notags,
     $cebolinha, $porto, $viseu, $spain, $lamego, $sotaque, $aplay,
     $help, $h);

my $default = '##PLAYER##'; # play...
$default = "play" if $default =~ m!##player##!i; # Hack O:-)
$default = "raw" if $raw;
$default = "sndplay" if $sndplay;
$default = "esd" if $esd;
$default = "aplay" if $aplay;

use Lingua::PT::Speaker;

$t = $t || 1.5;
Lingua::PT::Speaker::debug() if $debug;

if ($h || $help) {
  print " Usage:\n";
  print "\t-play     use play to output sound\n";
  print "\t-aplay    use aplay to output sound (alsa)\n";
  print "\t-raw      use rawplay to output sound\n";
  print "\t-esd      use esound daemon to output sound\n";
  print "\t-utf8     utf8\n";
  print "\t-sndplay  use sndplay to output sound\n";
  print "\t-h(elp)   this help screen\n";
  print "\t-notags   remove HTML-like tags from text\n";
  print "\t-wav=file.wav  output sound to this specific wav file\n";
  print "\t-q|-k     keep temporary wav file\n";
  print "\n";
  print "\t-spain\n";
  print "\t-viseu\n";
  print "\t-porto\n";
  print "\t-lamego\n";
  print "\t-cebolinha\n";
  print "\t-sotaque cebolinha,porto   list of accents\n";

my $tmp="/tmp/_$$";

$/="" if  $l;

if(@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /\.pho$/) { 
      `##MBROLA## -t $t $pt1 $ARGV[0] $wav`; 
      ## FIX ME -- use global player
      `play $wav`; 
      `##MBROLA## -t $t $pt1 $ARGV[0] $tmp.wav`; 
      ## FIX ME -- use global player
      `play $tmp.wav`; 
      unlink( "$tmp.wav") unless($q);
   exit 0;


while($line = <>) {
  $line =~ s/[«»"']//g;
  $line =~ s![\[\]]!,!g;
  $line =~ s!([^_])\(!$1,!g;
  $line =~ s!\)([^_])!,$1!g;
  $line =~ s!\<.*?\>!!g if $notags;
  $line =~ s!_{3,}! barra horizontal !g;
#  $line =~ s!\~! til !g;
#  $line =~ s!=! igual !g;
#  $line =~ s!\*! asterisco !g;
#  $line =~ s!\<! menor !g;
#  $line =~ s!\>! maior !g;
#  $line =~ s!\|! barra !g;
#  $line =~ s!\#! cardinal !g;
#  $line =~ s!! . nova página. !g;

  next unless $line =~ /\w/;

  print $line if $show;

  my @sotaque= split(",",$sotaque) || ();
  push @sotaque, 'cebolinha' if ($cebolinha);
  push @sotaque, 'porto' if ($porto);
  push @sotaque, 'lamego' if ($lamego);
  push @sotaque, 'spain' if ($spain);
  push @sotaque, 'viseu' if ($viseu);

  speak({special => \@sotaque,
	 output => "$tmp.pho"}, $line);

  if ($wav) {
    `##MBROLA## -t $t $pt1 $tmp.pho $wav`;
    unlink ( "$tmp.pho" ) unless $q;

  elsif ($default =~ m!rawplay$!) {
    `##MBROLA## -t $t $pt1 $tmp.pho -.raw|rawplay`;
    unlink( "$tmp.pho") unless $q;

  elsif ($default =~ m!esdplay$!) {
    `##MBROLA## -t $t $pt1 $tmp.pho $tmp.wav`;
    `esdplay $tmp.wav`; 
    unlink( "$tmp.pho","$tmp.wav") unless $q;

  elsif ($default =~ m!sndplay$!) {
    `##MBROLA## -t $t $pt1 $tmp.pho $tmp.wav`;
    `sndplay $tmp.wav`;
    unlink( "$tmp.pho","$tmp.wav") unless $q;

  elsif ($default =~ m!^play$!) {
    `##MBROLA## -t $t $pt1 $tmp.pho $tmp.wav`;
    `play $tmp.wav`;
    unlink( "$tmp.pho","$tmp.wav") unless $q;

  elsif ($default =~ m!^aplay$!) {
    `##MBROLA## -t $t $pt1 $tmp.pho $tmp.wav`;
    `aplay -q $tmp.wav`;
    unlink( "$tmp.pho","$tmp.wav") unless $q;


=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

pt-speak - perl script to read texts using Mbrola and Lingua::PT::Speaker


 pt-speak [options] (text|file.pho|file.wav)*

    -debug        show the intermediate TTS results
    -l            paragraph is a empty line (def: \n)
    -t=0.9        read faster (def=1.5)
    -notags       dont read html like tags
    -raw          use raw player
    -esd          use esd sound
    -aplay        use aplay (ALSA mixer)
    -utf8         encoding = utf8 (default = latin1)
    -q|-k         dont remove /tmp/... temp. files
    -show         show the current line (for debug)
    -porto        to ask for Porto's sotaque
    -wav=out.wav  to create a wave file


Translates a Portuguese text to a .wav file and says it using 
Mbrola speech synthesizer.

=head1 AUTHOR

J.Joao Almeida,
Alberto Simões,

=head1 SEE ALSO

