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Schedule::Oncall - Methods for managing an on-call schedule


    use Schedule::Oncall;


    Schedule::Oncall provides methods to manipulate an on-call schedule.
    One or more tables of schedules can be maintained, loaded, and
    searched.  An on-call table is composed of seven days, where each
    day has a list of minute ranges which correspond to a particular person.

    Information such as email address, pager number, etc. may be stored in
    the schedule configuration file. Simple variable assignments may also
    be made. Other textual information may be stored in the schedule in
    order to assist other applications (e.g., html headers or email body
    text), and variables substitution may occur within the text blocks.

    Schedule files may be chosen based on weekly or monthly rotations,
    relative to the first week or month of the year. Weekly schedules
    begin on a Monday and end on a Sunday, the same as strftime(3)'s
    "%W" format. Each rotation is stored in a separate file, and the
    appropriate rotation is chosen at load time.


    my $sched = new Schedule::Oncall;

    Returns a new Schedule::Oncall object.
    my $error = $sched->error;

    The error string as returned by the last method invoked. An empty
    string ("") means no error.
    $sched->load (
        "dir"           => "/path",
        "file"          => "filename",
        "date"          => num,
        "week"          => num,
        "month"         => num,

    if ($sched->error ne "")
        print STDERR "error loading schedule: " . $sched->error . "\n";

    Load a schedule into a schedule object. This may be called multiple
    consecutive times, and the schedules will be overlayed.

    "dir" is the path to the schedule files. If unspecified it defaults to

    "file" is the filename of a schedule to load. If it is an absolute path,
    then that path overrides "dir". If it is a simple filename or a relative
    path, it is appended to "dir".

    "date" is the time (as integer seconds since the Epoch (00:00:00 UTC,
    January 1, 1970). If unspecified it defaults to the current time.

    "month" is an integer which is used to control which monthly schedule to
    load. The month number is the month of the year (jan is 0) modulo "month".
    "file" is appended with ".monthN" where "N" is the result of the modulo.

    "week" is the week version of "month". Calculations are performed with the
    week number instead of the month number. The first week of the year is
    numbered "1" and begins on the first monday of the year.  Days prior to
    that reside in week 0. For example, Jan 1-3 1999 are week 0, and jan 4 1999
    begins week 1. See "cal 1 1999".

    Both monthly and weekly schedule rotations are supported if both "week" and
    "month" are supplied. The resulting filename will resemble

    undef is returned if there is an error, and the description of the error is
    stored in $sched->error.

    If this method is called successive times to load different schedules, the
    schedules are overlayed.
        The format of the schedule file is somewhat free-form.  Blank
        lines and lines beginning with a "#" are ignored.  It consists
        of person definitions, text definitions, variable assignments,
        and schedule definitions, in any order. It is recommended to
        keep the schedule definition at the end of the file for readability

        A person definition looks like this:

        begin person doej
            fullname John Doe
            pager 408-555-1212
            cell 555-555-1212
        end person

        Indentation is not significant, but it helps readability.
        There can be any number of contact types ("email", "pager",
        etc.) and each type can have multiple entries. There are
        no pre-defined contact types, but as a convention there
        should be "email", "pager", "fullname", "cell", "workphone",
        and "homephone".

        Text definitions are used to store configuration data for
        applications based on 

        A text definition looks like this:

        begin text email-response
        To: __SUBMITTER__

        We have received your submittion to the oncall alias.
        Someone will respond soon.

        end text

        Variable definitions are also used to store configuration
        information, and may only span one line, like this:

        VARIABLE = value

        Text definitions may undergo variable substitutions.
        Substitions are invoked by ${variable}. The B<substitute_text>
        method performs the actual substitutions.

        Schedule definitions show who is on call at what times.
        The format is vaguely compatible with a comma-separated-values
        file, like this:


        This allows schedules to be imported into spreadsheet applications
        and edited there. The above example shows that "pat" is oncall from
        09:00-09:59 on Wednesday morning. Empty entries are ignored rather than
        inserting a null string for the corresponding time slot.  This allows
        multiple schedules to be overlayed for the purpose of implementing
        temporary "substitute" schedules.

        If during the parsing of the schedule files this routine finds a variable
        definition "override = (begin date) through (end date)", and the date
        argument passed to this method falls within those two override dates, then
        parsing of the file is terminated at the point where the variable is
        defined.  This allows the specification of temporary schedules which are
        applicable to only a particular time frame. One application is for modified
        schedules when individuals go on vacation.

        The first line with a blank first column and day names is considered
        the title line, and it defines the day order in which the following
        rows are in.

        Hours are in 24-hour format. They may be a single hour (such as "08:00"
        or "08:30"), which implies the entry begins at the time listed and
        continues until the last minute of that hour, e.g. 08:00 through 08:59.
        Ranges are also acceptable, like this:


        Ranges must begin and end on the same day. The second time of the
        range must be later than the first part (i.e. a range like
        "23:30-00:30" is invalid).
        One "schedule" may be broken up into separate files for
        convenience, and each file can be loaded separately. For example,
        it might be a good idea to keep the people, text, and variable
        definitions in their own file, and the actual schedule in its
        own file for easier editing.
    my $person = $sched->oncall (time);

    Returns the name of the person who is on call at "time", given
    the currently loaded schedule.  "time" is seconds since the Epoch,
    or the current time if unspecified.

    The $sref->{"oncall-now"} structure is also initialized with
    all of the personal data for that username collected in the
    configuration file. If the on-call person is found to be a null
    string, $sref->{"oncall->now"}->{"username"} is set to "nobody",
    otherwise it is set to the username from the schedule. Variables
    with multiple values (e.g. two email addresses specified) will be
    joined with ",".

    undef is returned if there is an error or if nobody is on call.
    $sched->error is set to the error description.

return info about a person

for each person some personal info is stored returns:

( "pager" => ["pager1", "pager2", ...], "email" => ["email1", "email2", ...], "cell" => ["cell1", "cell2", ...], "fullname" => "full name", "etc" => "etc", ...)

returns undef on error.

    my $val = $sched->var ("varname");

    Returns the value of "varname" which was set in the configuration
    file, or undef if the variable does not exist.
    my ($week, $month) = $sched->rotation (
        "week" => 4,
        "month" => 4,

    returns the current week and month rotation
    Returns the currently loaded schedule as an array with each element
    representing the hourly schedule for that day, in list form. The
    first element is Sunday. For example:

    ([[0, 59, "person1"], [60, 119, "person2"], ...], [[0, 59, "person3"], ...], ...)

    describes a schedule where "person1" is on call Sunday from midnight
    until 1am, "person2" is on call from 1am until 2am, "person3" is on
    on call from midnight until 1am on Monday, etc.
    Given a minute of the day, returns a formatted time
    such as hh:mm.
    Perform variable expansion on the text collected from
    a config file. All the variables defined in the config
    file are substituted, along with any settings of
    $self->{"oncall-now"} set by invoking the B<oncall> method,
    "date" (set to localtime(time)), and "files" set to a
    comma-separated list of files read by the B<load> method.
    Variables located in the text sections which have no
    definition are substituted with "n/a".



