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$VERSION = '0.12'

pp_addpm({At => Top}, <<'EOD');

use Image::Size;  

=head2 new

=for ref

Create a new PDL::Planet object.

=for usage


 PDL::Planet object, used to call object methods

=for example

  my $pl = PDL::Planet->new;


sub new {

  my $type = shift;
  my $init = shift || '';

  my $self;
  if ($init) {
    for my $key (keys %$init) {
      $self->{$key} = $init->{$key};
    $self->{IMG}  = $init->{IMG}->copy;
    setmap (@{$self->{SIZE}});
  } else {
    $self = {};

  return bless $self, $type;  



=head2 close

=for ref

Get rid of a PDL::Planet object

=for usage



=for example



sub close {

  my $self = shift;
  undef $self->{IMG};
  undef $self;



=head2 read

=for ref

Read in an image

=for usage


  File name to read in.  

Supports GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP (limited support), TIFF, PNM.

  PDL::Planet object.

=for example

  my $pl = PDL::Planet->new->read('planet.jpg');


sub read {

  my $self   = shift;
  my $infile = shift;
  my ($x, $y) = Image::Size::imgsize($infile);
  my $outpdl  = zeroes(byte,3,$x,$y);
  PDL::Planet::read_image ($outpdl, $infile);
  $self->{SIZE} = [$x, $y];	    
  setmap (@{$self->{SIZE}});
  $self->{IMG}  = $outpdl;

  return $self;



=head2 create

=for ref

Create an image from an external PDL.

=for usage


  PDL to use to create image (planet) object.

  PDL::Planet object.

=for example

  my $pl = PDL::Planet->new->create($rgbpdl);


sub create {

  my $self = shift;
  my $pdl  = shift;
  $self->{SIZE} = [($pdl->dims)[1,2]];
  setmap (@{$self->{SIZE}});
  $self->{IMG}  = $pdl;

  return $self;



=head2 write

=for ref

Write an image to a file.

=for usage


  File name to write out.  The suffix specified tells the

Supports GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP (limited support), TIFF, PNM.

  PDL::Planet object.

=for example

  my $pl = PDL::Planet->new->read('planet.jpg')->write('planet.gif');


sub write {

  my $self   = shift;
  my $outfile = shift;

  PDL::Planet::write_image ($self->{IMG}, $outfile);

  return $self;



=head2 write_png

=for ref

Convert an image to a perl scalar containing a PNG.

=for usage


  Input PDL::Planet object with an image in it.

  A perl scalar containing a PNG image

=for example

  my $png = PDL::Planet->new->read('planet.jpg')->write_png;


sub write_png {

  my $self   = shift;

  # Code left in to test write_png_mem1.
  #my $png = PDL::Planet::write_png_mem1 ($self->{IMG});
  #return ${$png->get_dataref}; # $png is a byte PDL, return the data section

  my $png = PDL::Planet::write_png_mem ($self->{IMG});
  return $png;



=head2 resize

=for ref

Resize an image.

=for usage


  X size, Y size

  PDL::Planet object.

=for example

  my $pl = PDL::Planet->new->read('planet.jpg')->resize(400,400)->write('planet.gif');


sub resize {

  my $self  = shift;
  my $xsize = shift;
  my $ysize = shift;

  my $resize = zeroes(byte,3, $xsize, $ysize);
  PDL::Planet::resize_image ($self->{IMG}, $resize);
  $self->{IMG}  = $resize;
  $self->{SIZE} = [$xsize, $ysize];
  setmap (@{$self->{SIZE}});

  return $self;



=head2 terminator

=for ref

Show the day/night terminator for a given time.

=for usage


  Julian time

  PDL::Planet object.

=for example

  my $pl = PDL::Planet->new->read('planet.jpg')->terminator(2453908)->write('planet.gif');


sub terminator {

  my $self  = shift;
  my $time  = shift;

  my ($lat, $lon) = findsunpos($time);
  setsunpos ($lat, $lon);
  setmap (@{$self->{SIZE}});

  my $with_terminator = zeroes(byte, 3, @{$self->{SIZE}});
  PDL::Planet::apply_terminator ($self->{IMG}, $with_terminator);
  $self->{IMG} = $with_terminator;

  return $self;



=head2 crop

=for ref

Crop an image.

=for usage


  X size, Y size
  X offset, Y offset (lower left corner of crop)

  PDL::Planet object.

=for example

  my $pl = PDL::Planet->new->read('planet.jpg')->crop(500,500,250,0)->write('planet.gif');


sub crop {

  my $self  = shift;
  my $xsize = shift;
  my $ysize = shift;
  my $xoff  = shift;
  my $yoff  = shift;

  my $crop = zeroes(byte,3, $xsize, $ysize);
  PDL::Planet::crop_image ($self->{IMG}, $xoff, $yoff, $crop);
  $self->{IMG}  = $crop;
  $self->{SIZE} = [$xsize, $ysize];

  return $self;



=head2 transform

=for ref

Perform a transformation on an image.  Currently supported transformations:
 -- Orthographic

=for usage


  Options list:
    TYPE    => 'Orthographic'
    CENTER  => [lat, lon]  # center of orthographic projection    
    SIZE    => [maxx, maxy]       # Size in pixels of resultant projection (defaults to input size)
    SHRINK  => shrink_factor, 0-1 # Controls how much the Earth fills the window
    SUNTIME => julian_time # Turns on drawing of the terminator. 
                           # Computes the sun location at the input time.
    SUNPOS  => [lat, lon]  # Turns on drawing of the terminator with the sun sub point at the
                           # input location

  PDL::Planet object with transformation done.

=for example

  my $pl = PDL::Planet->new->read('planet.jpg')->transform(TYPE => Orthographic, CENTER => [40,-105])->write('planet.gif');


sub transform {

  my $self  = shift;
  my %opt   = @_;

  my $xform;	     
  if ($opt{TYPE} =~ /Ortho/) {

    my $lat = defined($opt{CENTER}[0]) ? $opt{CENTER}[0] : 0;
    my $lon = defined($opt{CENTER}[1]) ? $opt{CENTER}[1] : 0;
    setcenter ($lat, $lon);

    setshrink ($opt{SHRINK}) if (exists($opt{SHRINK}));

    # Enable drawing of terminator by way of time or sun's subpoint position
    if    (exists($opt{SUNTIME})) {
      my ($lat, $lon) = findsunpos($opt{SUNTIME});
      setsunpos ($lat, $lon);
    elsif (exists($opt{SUNPOS})) {
      my ($lat, $lon) = @{$opt{SUNPOS}};
      setsunpos ($lat, $lon);

    my ($x, $y) = (exists($opt{SIZE})) ? @{$opt{SIZE}} : @{$self->{SIZE}};
    $xform = zeroes(byte,3,$x,$y);
    PDL::Planet::xform_orthographic ($self->{IMG}, $xform);
    $self->{TRANSFORM} = 'Orthographic';
    $self->{CENTER}    = [$lat, $lon];
    $self->{SIZE}      = [$x, $y];

  } else {

    die "Transform type: $opt{TYPE} not supported";


  $self->{IMG} = $xform;
  return $self;



=head2 llh2xy

=for ref

Convert lat, lon, height triples to X and Y coordinates according
to the transform used currently in the object.

=for usage


  $lat -- latitude, deg N
  $lon -- longitude, deg E
  $height -- height, m


=for example

  my $pl = PDL::Planet->new->read('planet.jpg')->transform(TYPE => Orthographic, CENTER => [40,-105]);
  my ($lat, $lon, $height) = ...
  my ($x, $y) = $pl->llh2xy($lat, $lon, $height);


sub llh2xy {

  my $self   = shift;
  my $lat    = shift;
  my $lon    = shift;
  my $height = shift;

  my ($x, $y);
  die "No transformation defined, call \'transform\' first!" unless (exists($self->{TRANSFORM}));
  if ($self->{TRANSFORM} eq 'Orthographic') {
    setcenter (@{$self->{CENTER}});
    setmap    (@{$self->{SIZE}});
    ($x, $y) = PDL::Planet::orthographic_llh2xy ($lat, $lon, $height);
  } else {
    die "Transform $self->{TRANSFORM} not supported!";
  return ($x, $y);



=head2 paste

=for ref

Paste small images into the current image.

=for usage


  $image -- Small image to paste into current image (a PDL::Planet object)
  $x     -- PDL of X coordinates of large image to paste the smaller image to
  $y     -- PDL of Y coordinates of large image to paste the smaller image to
  $maskColor -- Number from 0 to 255 (defaults to 255).  The color in the
                smaller image which will be blended into the larger one.
                Defaults to white.  For a small image with a black background, 
                set to 0.
  PDL::Planet object with pasting done.

=for example

  my $planet  = PDL::Planet->new->read('planet.jpg')->transform(TYPE => Orthographic, CENTER => [40,-105]);
  my $glyph   = PDL::Planet->new->read('satellite.gif');
  my ($lat, $lon, $height) = ...
  my ($x, $y) = $planet->llh2xy($lat, $lon, $height);
  $planet->paste ($glyph, $x, $y)->write('sats.jpg');

Note:  The pasted image ($glyph) may have a white (255,255,255) background.  This
will be blended with the image and not appear in the final result.


sub paste {

  my $self  = shift;
  my $image = shift; # image to paste
  my $x     = shift;
  my $y     = shift;
  my $maskColor = shift; # unless specified, mask color is white.  Can also specify 0.
  $maskColor = defined($maskColor) ? $maskColor : 255;

  my $xs = $image->{SIZE}[0];
  my $ys = $image->{SIZE}[1];
  my $xc = $x - ($xs/2);  # center of pastable image
  # note correction of $y:  input Y assumes (0,0) at lower left, must convert to upper left
  my $yc = ($self->{SIZE}[1] - $y) - ($ys/2);  # center of pastable image

  # Heavy magic.  See the man page for 'range' and take several aspirin!
  # Basically, we get a series of slices from the main image which correspond to
  # the places where the smaller image will be pasted ($slices).
  # Then we use a mask to find out where the white (255,255,255)
  # (or $maskColor) background is
  # and blend this with the image slices.  Finally, we paste the blend of background
  # and small images into the big image in the correct places.
  my $glyph  = $image->{IMG}->mv(0,2);
  my $slices = $self->{IMG}->mv(0,2)->range(cat($xc, $yc)->mv(0,1),pdl($xs, $ys), 't')->mv(0,3);
  my $mask   = ($glyph == $maskColor);
  my $blend  = ($mask * $slices) | ($glyph * !$mask);
  $self->{IMG}->mv(0,2)->range(cat($xc, $yc)->mv(0,1),pdl($xs, $ys), 't')->mv(0,3) .= $blend;

  return $self;



=head2 rgb

=for ref

Return a (3, X, Y) PDL of the image with (0,0) in the lower left.
The normal orientation of the image is (3,X,Y) with (0,0) in the upper left, 
but this returns the Y axis flipped because plplot likes it this way.

=for usage


  PDL::Planet object.

  RGB PDL image.

=for example

  my $pl = PDL::Planet->new->read('planet.jpg')->rgb;


sub rgb {

  my $self  = shift;

  return $self->{IMG}; # ->slice(":,:,-1:0");



## PP section

pp_def	('read_image',
	Pars => '[o]image(3,x,y);',
        OtherPars => 'char *infile',
	GenericTypes => [B],
	Code => 'int xsize, ysize;
                 unsigned char *ptr = NULL;
                 char *infile = $COMP(infile);
                 read_image(infile, &xsize, &ysize, $P(image));',
	Doc  => <<'EOD');
Reads in an image in one of several formats (GIF, JPEG, PNG, PNM, TIFF)
and outputs a PDL of 3 x width x height.  The trouble is, you must
pass the correctly sized PDL in!  Try using Image::Size, say.


pp_def	('write_image',
	Pars => 'image(3,x,y);',
        OtherPars => 'char *outfile',
	GenericTypes => [B],
	Code => 'int xsize = $SIZE(x);
		 int ysize = $SIZE(y);
                 char *outfile = $COMP(outfile);
		 set_quality(100);  /* for jpegs, use max quality */
                 write_image(outfile, xsize, ysize, $P(image));',
	Doc  => <<'EOD');
Writes an image in one of several formats (GIF, JPEG, PNG, PNM, TIFF, BMP)
and outputs a PDL of 3 x width x height.  File type to write is 
determined by the extension: .gif .jpeg .bmp .png .pbm .pgm .ppm .tiff

pp_def	('write_png_mem1',
	Pars => 'image(3,x,y);[o]outpng()',
	GenericTypes => [B],
	Code => 'int xsize = $SIZE(x);
		 int ysize = $SIZE(y);
                 char * png_ptr;
                 size_t png_size;
                 int success = 0;
                 PDL_Long outdims[] = {0};
                 pdl *p = $PDL(outpng);
                 success = write_png_mem(&png_ptr, &png_size, xsize, ysize, $P(image));
                 outdims[0] = png_size;
                 p->datatype = PDL_B;
                 PDL->allocdata (p);
                 memcpy(p->data, (const void *)png_ptr, png_size);
	Doc  => <<'EOD');
Given an input image PDL of RGB x width x height, return a perl scalar
containing a PNG image.  This is left in for reference.  Use the XS-only
version write_png_mem (defined below) instead.

# XS-only version of the above code.  This is more efficient because an output PDL
# need not be created.
pp_addxs (<<'EOC');
SV *
write_png_mem (SV *image)
  pdl *image_pdl = PDL->SvPDLV(image);
  int xsize = image_pdl->dims[1];
  int ysize = image_pdl->dims[2];
  char * png_ptr;
  size_t png_size;
  write_png_mem(&png_ptr, &png_size, xsize, ysize, image_pdl->data);
  RETVAL = newSVpv(png_ptr,png_size);

pp_def	('resize_image',
	Pars => 'image(3,x,y); [o]oimage(3,ox,oy)',
	GenericTypes => [B],
	Code => 'int xsize = $SIZE(x);
		 int ysize = $SIZE(y);
		 int oxsize = $SIZE(ox);
		 int oysize = $SIZE(oy);
                 resize_image($P(image), xsize, ysize, $P(oimage), oxsize, oysize, 0);',
	Doc  => <<'EOD');
Resize an image.  Input is a PDL with the current image.  Output is 
a new PDL with the scaled image.  Generally called thus:
my $image = ...
my $oimage = zeroes(byte, 3, $ox, $oy);
resize_image($image, $oimage);

pp_def	('crop_image',
	Pars => 'image(3,x,y); int offsetx(); int offsety(); [o]oimage(3,ox,oy)',
	GenericTypes => [B],
	Code => 'int xsize = $SIZE(x);
		 int ysize = $SIZE(y);
		 int oxsize = $SIZE(ox);
		 int oysize = $SIZE(oy);
                 crop_image($P(image), xsize, ysize, $P(oimage), $offsetx(), $offsety(), oxsize, oysize);',
	Doc  => <<'EOD');
Crop an image.  Generally called thus:
my $image = ...
my $oimage = zeroes(byte, 3, $ox, $oy);
crop_image($image, $offsetx, $offsety, $oimage);


pp_def	('orthographic_llh2xy',
	Pars => 'lat(); lon(); height(); int [o]xi(); int [o]yi();',
	GenericTypes => [D,L],
	Code => 'double lat = $lat();
                 double lon = $lon();
                 double height = $height();
                 orthographic_llh2xy (lat, lon, height, $P(xi), $P(yi));',
	Doc  => <<'EOD');
Transform lat/lon/height to X/Y coords.

### #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### pp_def	('sunpos',
### 	Pars => 'tjulian(); [o]sunpos(3)',
### 	GenericTypes => [D],
### 	Code => 'sunpos_ ($P(tjulian), $P(sunpos));',
### 	Doc  => <<'EOD');
### Given a Julian time, compute the ECI position of the Sun relative to the Earth.
### Input:  Julian Time
### Output: XYZ ECI Sun position
### EOD
### #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

pp_def	('setmap',
	Pars => 'maxx(); maxy()',
	GenericTypes => [L],
	Code => 'setmap ($maxx(),$maxy());',
	Doc  => <<'EOD');
Set map image size


pp_def	('setsunpos',
	Pars => 'lat(); lon();',
	GenericTypes => [D],
	Code => 'setsunpos ($lat(), $lon());',
	Doc  => <<'EOD');
Set the lat/lon of the Sun subpoint.
Calling this routine enables the display of the terminator
when generating an orthographic projection.


pp_def	('findsunpos',
	Pars => 'tjulian(); [o]lat(); [o]lon();',
	GenericTypes => [D],
	Code => 'findsunpos ($tjulian(), $P(lat), $P(lon));',
	Doc  => <<'EOD');
Given an input Julian time, compute the sun's subpoint.


pp_def	('setcenter',
	Pars => 'lat(); lon()',
	GenericTypes => [D],
	Code => 'setcenter ($lat(),$lon());',
	Doc  => <<'EOD');
Set map projection center


pp_def	('setshrink',
	Pars => 'shrink()',
	GenericTypes => [D],
	Code => 'setshrink ($shrink());',
	Doc  => <<'EOD');
Set shrink factor when projecting Earth.  0 - 1, 1 means Earth takes
up the whole width of the window.  Zero means that the Earth will be a point
in the center of the plot, surrounded by space.


pp_def	('xform_orthographic',
	Pars => 'image(3,x,y); [o]imageout(3,xo,yo);',
	GenericTypes => [B],
	Code => 'xform_orthographic1 ($P(image), $SIZE(xo), $SIZE(yo), $P(imageout));',
	Doc  => <<'EOD');
Transforms an input PDL in rectangular coords to an orthographic projection.


pp_def	('apply_terminator',
	Pars => 'image(3,x,y); [o]imageout(3,x,y);',
	GenericTypes => [B],
	Code => 'apply_terminator ($P(image), $P(imageout));',
	Doc  => <<'EOD');
Applys a terminator to a linear image.
