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Net::MessageBus - Pure Perl simple message bus


Version 0.08


This module implements the client side of the Message Bus.

    use Net::MessageBus;
    my $MessageBus = Net::MessageBus->new(
                        server => '',
                        group => 'backend',
                        sender => 'machine1',
                        username => 'user',
                        password => 'password',
                        logger  => $logger_object,
                        blocking => 0,
                        timeout => 0.01

On initialization the client authenticates with the Net::MessageBus::Server after which it can start pushing messages to the bus.

In order to receive any messages from the bus the client must subscribe to :

  • one or more groups

  • one or more senders

  • one or more message types

  • all messages

    #each can be called multiple times
    $MessageBus->subscribe(group => 'test');
    $MessageBus->subscribe(sender => 'test_process_1');
    $MessageBus->subscribe(type => 'test_message_type');

The client can unsubscribe at any time by calling the unsubscribe method


To retrive the messages received from the bus, the client can call one of this methods :

    my @messages = $MessageBus->pending_messages();
    my $message = $MessageBus->next_message();


    use Net::MessageBus;

    my $MessageBus = Net::MessageBus->new(server => '',
                          group => 'backend',
                          sender => 'machine1');
    $MessageBus->subscribe(group => 'test');
    $MessageBus->subscribe(sender => 'test_process_1');
    my @messages = $MessageBus->pending_messages();
    while (my $message = $MessageBus->next_message()) {
        print $message->type();



Creates a new New::MessageBus object


  • server = The ip address of the server

  • port = The port on which the server is listening for connections

  • group = The group to which this client belogs to

  • sender = A name for the current client

  • username = User name that will be sent to the server for authentication

  • password = The password that will be sent to the server for authentication

  • logger = A object on which we can call the fallowing methods debug,info,warn,error

  • block = if we don't have any unread messages from the server we will block until the server sends something. If block is true timeout will be ignored.

  • timeout = the maximum ammount of time we should wait for a message from the server before returning undef for next_message() or an empty list for pending_messages()


    my $MessageBus = Net::MessageBus->new(
                        server => '',
                        group => 'backend',
                        sender => 'machine1',
                        username => 'user',
                        password => 'password',
                        logger  => $logger_object,


Subscribes the current Net::MessageBus client to the messages from the specified category. It can be called multiple times

Example :

    $MessageBus->subscribe(group => 'test');
    $MessageBus->subscribe(sender => 'test_process_1');


Subscribes the current Net::MessageBus client to all the messages the server receives

Example :



Unsubscribes current Net::MessageBus client from all the messages it previously subscribed to

Example :



Send a new messge to the message queue. It has two forms in which it can be called :

1. With a Net::MessageBus::Message object as argument
2. With a hash ref containing the fallowing two keys :
  • type = The message type

  • payload = The actual information we want to send with the message. It can be a scalar, array ref or hash ref and it cannot contain any objects

Example :

    $MessageBus->send( $message ); #message must be a Net::MessageBus::Message object
    $MessageBus->send( type => 'alert', payload => { a => 1, b => 2 }  );


Returns the next message from the queue of messages we received from the server. The message is a Net::MessageBus::Message object.


Returns all the messages received until now from the server. Each message is a Net::MessageBus::Message object.

Argumens :

  • force_read_queue = forces a read of everyting the server might have sent and we have't processed yet

    Note: Forcing a read of the message queue when block mode is on will block the call until we received something from the server


Getter/Setter for the blocking setting of the client. If set to true, when waiting for server messages, the client will block until it receives something

Examples : my $blocking = $MessageBus->blocking(); or $MessageBus->blocking(1);


Getter/Setter for the timeout when waiting for server messages. It can have subunitary value (eg. 0.01).

Note1 : When blocking is set to a true value, the timeout is ignored Note2 : When timeout is set to 0 the effect is the same as setting blocking to a true value.

Example : my $timeout = $MessageBus->timeout(); or $MessageBus->timeout(0.01);

Private methods

This methods are for internal use and should not be called manually


Creates a connection to the Net::MessageBus server and authenticates the user


Handles the actual comunication with the server


Sends a authenication request to the server and waits for the response


Returns the response received from the server for the last request


Reads all the messages received from the server and adds the to the internal message queue


Check out Net::MessageBus::Server which implements the server of the MessageBus and Net::MessageBus::Message which is the OO inteface for the messages passwed between the client and the server


Horea Gligan, <gliganh at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-net-MessageBus at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc Net::MessageBus

You can also look for information at:


Thanks to Manol Roujinov for helping to improve this module


Copyright 2012 Horea Gligan.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.