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 * Copyright (C) 2003 by the gtk2-perl team (see the file AUTHORS for the full
 * list)
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Library General Public
 * License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
 * $Header: /cvsroot/gtk2-perl/gtk2-perl-xs/Glib/GMainLoop.xs,v 2004/03/17 02:56:07 muppetman Exp $

#include "gperl.h"

/* stuff from gmain.h, the main loop and friends */

GMainLoop is in libglib; GClosure is in libgobject.  the mainloop can't refer
to GClosure for dependency reasons, but the code is designed to be used with
GClosure anyway.  that's what we'll do here.

specifically, GSourceDummyMarshal is just a placeholder for GClosureMarshal.

since we have GClosure implemented in GClosure.xs, we'll use it to handle
the callbacks here.

in the more general sense, this file offers the GLib-level interface to the
main loop stuff wrapped by the Gtk2 module.  at the current point, i can't
think of any reason to expose the lower-level main loop stuff here, because
how many apps are going to be using the event loop without Gtk?  then again,
it's quite conceivable that you'd want to do that, so it's not precluded
(just not done).

if you want to implement the main loop stuff here, you'll need to create
typemaps for these types:

	GMainContext	<- Opaque
	GMainLoop	<- Opaque

and you'll need to typemap these if you want to create custom sources
from perl:


as far as i can tell, each of these is a ref-counted object, but none
are GObject or GBoxed descendents (as they are part of glib, not gobject!).

for anyone who needs to implement this stuff, i've left the majority
of gmain.h in here, commented out.


MODULE = Glib::MainLoop	PACKAGE = Glib	PREFIX = g_

=for object Glib::MainLoop


=for apidoc __function__
Find the current main loop recursion level.  This is handy in fringe
situations, but those are very rare; see the C API reference for a more
in-depth discussion.
int g_main_depth ()


MODULE = Glib::MainLoop	PACKAGE = Glib::MainContext	PREFIX = g_main_context_

=for object Glib::MainLoop An event source manager

=for position DESCRIPTION


Event-driven programs need some sort of loop which watches for events and
launches the appropriate actions.  Glib::MainLoop provides this functionality.

Mainloops have context, provided by the MainContext object.  For the most part
you can use the default context (see C<default>), but if you want to create a
subcontext for a nested loop which doesn't have the same event sources, etc,
you can.

Event sources, attached to main contexts, watch for events to happen, and
launch appropriate actions.  Glib provides a few ready-made event sources,
the Glib::Timeout, Glib::Idle, and io watch (C<< Glib::IO->add_watch >>).

Under the hood, Gtk+ adds event sources for GdkEvents to dispatch events to
your widgets.  In fact, Gtk2 provides an abstraction of Glib::MainLoop (See
C<< Gtk2->main >> and friends), so you may rarely have cause to use
Glib::MainLoop directly.

 ### GMainContext: ###

GMainContext *
g_main_context_new (class)
	g_main_context_unref (RETVAL); /* release the typemap's ref, so the 
	                                  wrapper owns the object */

DESTROY (maincontext)
	GMainContext * maincontext
	g_main_context_unref (maincontext);

 ## these are automatic, now
##void          g_main_context_ref       (GMainContext *context);
##void          g_main_context_unref     (GMainContext *context);

GMainContext *
g_main_context_default (class)

gboolean g_main_context_iteration (GMainContext *context, gboolean may_block);

gboolean g_main_context_pending (GMainContext *context);

##/* For implementation of legacy interfaces */
##GSource *g_main_context_find_source_by_id (GMainContext *context,
##	   				     guint source_id);
##GSource *g_main_context_find_source_by_user_data (GMainContext *context,
##	   					    gpointer user_data);
##GSource *g_main_context_find_source_by_funcs_user_data (GMainContext *context,
## 							  GSourceFuncs *funcs,
##							  gpointer user_data);

##/* Low level functions for implementing custom main loops. */
##void     g_main_context_wakeup  (GMainContext *context);
##gboolean g_main_context_acquire (GMainContext *context);
##void     g_main_context_release (GMainContext *context);
##gboolean g_main_context_wait    (GMainContext *context,
##				 GCond        *cond,
##				 GMutex       *mutex);
##gboolean g_main_context_prepare  (GMainContext *context,
##				  gint         *priority);
##gint     g_main_context_query    (GMainContext *context,
##				  gint          max_priority,
##				  gint         *timeout_,
##				  GPollFD      *fds,
##				  gint          n_fds);
##gint     g_main_context_check    (GMainContext *context,
##				  gint          max_priority,
##				  GPollFD      *fds,
##				  gint          n_fds);
##void     g_main_context_dispatch (GMainContext *context);
##void      g_main_context_set_poll_func (GMainContext *context,
##					GPollFunc     func);
##GPollFunc g_main_context_get_poll_func (GMainContext *context);
##/* Low level functions for use by source implementations */
##void g_main_context_add_poll      (GMainContext *context,
##				   GPollFD      *fd,
##				   gint          priority);
##void g_main_context_remove_poll   (GMainContext *context,
##				   GPollFD      *fd);

MODULE = Glib::MainLoop	PACKAGE = Glib::MainLoop	PREFIX = g_main_loop_

 ### GMainLoop: ###

 ## the OUTPUT typemap for GMainLoop* takes a ref on the object, and the
 ## DESTROY method for the wrapper releases it.  g_main_loop_new returns
 ## a new object that is to be owned by the wrapper, so it releases the
 ## typemap's reference in the CLEANUP section.

##GMainLoop *g_main_loop_new (GMainContext *context, gboolean is_running);
GMainLoop *
g_main_loop_new (class, context=NULL, is_running=FALSE)
	GMainContext *context
	gboolean is_running
	context, is_running
	g_main_loop_ref (RETVAL);

DESTROY (mainloop)
	GMainLoop * mainloop
	g_main_loop_unref (mainloop);

void g_main_loop_run (GMainLoop *loop);

void g_main_loop_quit (GMainLoop *loop);

 ## see above, these are taken care of for you
##GMainLoop *g_main_loop_ref        (GMainLoop    *loop);
##void       g_main_loop_unref      (GMainLoop    *loop);

gboolean g_main_loop_is_running (GMainLoop * loop);

GMainContext * g_main_loop_get_context (GMainLoop * loop);

 ### NOTE: stuff behind G_DISABLE_DEPRECATED shall not be bound.
 ###       i've left their declarations here as a reminder that we didn't
 ###       forget them, they're just not supposed to be included.
 ##/* ============== Compat main loop stuff ================== */
 ##/* Legacy names for GMainLoop functions */
 ###define 	g_main_new(is_running)	g_main_loop_new (NULL, is_running);
 ###define         g_main_run(loop)        g_main_loop_run(loop)
 ###define         g_main_quit(loop)       g_main_loop_quit(loop)
 ###define         g_main_destroy(loop)    g_main_loop_unref(loop)
 ###define         g_main_is_running(loop) g_main_loop_is_running(loop)
 ##/* Functions to manipulate the default main loop */
 ###define	g_main_iteration(may_block) g_main_context_iteration      (NULL, may_block)
 ###define g_main_pending()            g_main_context_pending        (NULL)
 ###define g_main_set_poll_func(func)   g_main_context_set_poll_func (NULL, func)
 ###endif /* G_DISABLE_DEPRECATED */

MODULE = Glib::MainLoop	PACKAGE = Glib::Source	PREFIX = g_source_

=for object Glib::MainLoop

 ### GSource: ###

 ##GSource *g_source_new             (GSourceFuncs   *source_funcs,
 ##				      guint           struct_size);
 ##GSource *g_source_ref             (GSource        *source);
 ##void     g_source_unref           (GSource        *source);
 ##guint    g_source_attach          (GSource        *source,
 ##				      GMainContext   *context);
 ##void     g_source_destroy         (GSource        *source);
 ##void     g_source_set_priority    (GSource        *source,
 ##				      gint            priority);
 ##gint     g_source_get_priority    (GSource        *source);
 ##void     g_source_set_can_recurse (GSource        *source,
 ##				      gboolean        can_recurse);
 ##gboolean g_source_get_can_recurse (GSource        *source);
 ##guint    g_source_get_id          (GSource        *source);
 ##GMainContext *g_source_get_context (GSource       *source);
 ##void g_source_set_callback (GSource              *source,
 ##			       GSourceFunc           func,
 ##			       gpointer              data,
 ##			       GDestroyNotify        notify);

 ##void g_source_add_poll         (GSource        *source,
 ##				   GPollFD        *fd);
 ##void g_source_remove_poll      (GSource        *source,
 ##				   GPollFD        *fd);
 ##void g_source_get_current_time (GSource        *source,
 ##				   GTimeVal       *timeval);
 ##/* Specific source types */
 ##GSource *g_idle_source_new    (void);
 ##GSource *g_timeout_source_new (guint         interval);

 ##/* Miscellaneous functions
 ## */
 ##void g_get_current_time		        (GTimeVal	*result);

=for apidoc

Remove an event source.  I<$tag> is the number returned by things like
C<< Glib::Timeout->add >>, C<< Glib::Idle->add >>, and
C<< Glib::IO->add_watch >>.

g_source_remove (class, tag)
	guint tag

 ##gboolean g_source_remove_by_user_data        (gpointer       user_data);
 ##gboolean g_source_remove_by_funcs_user_data  (GSourceFuncs  *funcs,
 ##					      gpointer       user_data);

MODULE = Glib::MainLoop	PACKAGE = Glib::Timeout	PREFIX = g_timeout_

=for object Glib::MainLoop

 ### Idles and timeouts ###

=for apidoc
=for arg interval number of milliseconds
=for arg callback (subroutine)

Run I<$callback> every I<$interval> milliseconds until I<$callback> returns
false.  Returns a source id which may be used with C<< Glib::Source->remove >>.
Note that a mainloop must be active for the timeout to execute.

g_timeout_add (class, interval, callback, data=NULL, priority=G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT)
	guint interval
	SV * callback
	SV * data
	gint priority
	GClosure * closure;
	GSource * source;
	closure = gperl_closure_new (callback, data, FALSE);
	source = g_timeout_source_new (interval);
	if (priority != G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT)
		g_source_set_priority (source, priority);
	g_source_set_closure (source, closure);
	RETVAL = g_source_attach (source, NULL);
	g_source_unref (source);

MODULE = Glib::MainLoop	PACKAGE = Glib::Idle	PREFIX = g_idle_

=for object Glib::MainLoop

=for apidoc
=for arg callback (subroutine)

Run I<$callback> when the mainloop is idle.  If I<$callback> returns false,
it will uninstall itself, otherwise, it will run again at the next idle
iteration.  Returns a source id which may be used with
C<< Glib::Source->remove >>.

g_idle_add (class, callback, data=NULL, priority=G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE)
	SV * callback
	SV * data
	gint priority
	GClosure * closure;
	GSource * source;
	closure = gperl_closure_new (callback, data, FALSE);
	source = g_idle_source_new ();
	g_source_set_priority (source, priority);
	g_source_set_closure (source, closure);
	RETVAL = g_source_attach (source, NULL);
	g_source_unref (source);

### FIXME i'm not sure about how to search for the data if we set SVs there.
##gboolean	g_idle_remove_by_data	(gpointer	data);

MODULE = Glib::MainLoop	PACKAGE = Glib::IO	PREFIX = g_io_

=for object Glib::MainLoop

	gperl_register_fundamental (G_TYPE_IO_CONDITION, "Glib::IOCondition");

=for enum Glib::IOCondition

=for apidoc
=for arg fd (file descriptor) file number, e.g. fileno($filehandle)
=for arg callback (subroutine)

Run I<$callback> when there is an event on I<$fd> that matches I<$condition>.
The watch uninstalls itself if I<$callback> returns false.
Returns a source id that may be used with C<< Glib::Source->remove >>.

Glib's IO channels serve the same basic purpose as Perl's file handles, so
for the most part you don't see GIOChannels in Perl.  The IO watch integrates
IO operations with the main loop, which Perl file handles don't do.  For
various reasons, this function requires raw file descriptors, not full
file handles.  See C<fileno> in L<perlfunc>.

g_io_add_watch (class, fd, condition, callback, data=NULL, priority=G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT)
	int fd
	GIOCondition condition
	SV * callback
	SV * data
	gint priority
	GClosure * closure;
	GSource * source;
	GIOChannel * channel;
	channel = g_io_channel_unix_new (fd);
	source = g_io_create_watch (channel, condition);
	if (priority != G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT)
		g_source_set_priority (source, priority);
	closure = gperl_closure_new (callback, data, FALSE);
	g_source_set_closure (source, closure);
	RETVAL = g_source_attach (source, NULL);
	g_source_unref (source);
	g_io_channel_unref (channel);