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Konstrukt::Doc::Tutorial::Plugin::Note::DBI - 3) Using Perl DBI to store your data in a database


This tutorial will teach you how to use DBI to store your data.

Additionally we will extend the plugin to allow the creation of multiple notes.

Note: This tutorial builds up on the results of the previous tutorial.


By convention the backends for each plugin are implemented as a separate plugin module. This way the backends are easily exchangeable by setting up a different backend in the konstrukt.settings.

Thus the main plugin will have a new setting

        note/backend DBI #default backend: DBI

which will be initialized in the init method, where the specified backend will also be loaded. So we add those lines to the init method:

        $Konstrukt::Settings->default("note/backend" => 'DBI');
        $self->{backend} = use_plugin "note::" . $Konstrukt::Settings->get('note/backend') or return undef;


Backend Settings

Create a new directory /path/to/your/site/lib/Konstrukt/Plugin/note and inside this directory create a file named

The backend plugin itself should also be configurable with these settings:

        note/backend/DBI/source       dbi:mysql:database:host
        note/backend/DBI/user         user
        note/backend/DBI/pass         pass

If no database settings are set, the website-wide defaults of the Konstrukt DBI helper will be used automatically.

You should specify the website-wide database defaults in your konstrukt.settings:

        dbi/source dbi:mysql:database:host
        dbi/user   user
        dbi/pass   pass

It it doesn't exist, you have to create this database now. An example query for this can be found in the blog tutorial.


The skeleton for the backend module including the init method will look like this:

        package Konstrukt::Plugin::note::DBI;
        use strict;
        use warnings;
        use base 'Konstrukt::Plugin';
        sub init {
                my ($self) = @_;
                #get connection settings
                my $db_source = $Konstrukt::Settings->get('blog/backend/DBI/source');
                my $db_user   = $Konstrukt::Settings->get('blog/backend/DBI/user');
                my $db_pass   = $Konstrukt::Settings->get('blog/backend/DBI/pass');
                #save settings in a handy hashref for later use
                $self->{db_settings} = [$db_source, $db_user, $db_pass];
                return 1;

Auto installation

As for templates, there is also a handy auto installation feature for database backends.

So we create an install method for this plugin, which uses this feature:

        sub install {
                my ($self) = @_;
                return $Konstrukt::Lib->plugin_dbi_install_helper($self->{db_settings});

Then we add a __DATA__ token at the end of the module file and after that we add the table definitions, which are separated like described in "plugin_dbi_install_helper" in Konstrukt::Lib:

        -- 8< -- dbi: create -- >8 --
          id          INT UNSIGNED     NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
          text        TEXT             NOT NULL,
          PRIMARY KEY(id)

Backend interface

We can identify these methods, which represent the interface to the backend:

  • get_notes($id): Returns all notes as an arrayref of hashrefs, if $id is not defined:

                    { id => 1, text => 'foo bar baz' },
                    { id => 2, text => '...' },

    If $id is defined, this method returns the note as an hashref:

            { id => 1, text => 'foo bar baz' }

    or undef if no note with that id exists.

  • add_note($text): Adds a note with the specified text. Returns true on success.

  • update_note($id, $text): Updates the text for the note with the specified id. Returns true on success.

  • delete_note($id): Deleted the specified note, if exists. Returns true on success.

Backend code

Each method has to create a database connection, call the SQL queries and return the result.

The database connection should be done using the Konstrukt DBI helper, which will connect to the right database according to the settings, maintains a pool of database connections and will also handle errors that may occur during the database queries:

        my $dbh = $Konstrukt::DBI->get_connection(@{$self->{db_settings}}) or return undef;

Then you can then use any method that DBI offers for a database handle.

The code for get_notes will look like this:

        sub get_notes {
                my ($self, $id) = @_;
                my $dbh = $Konstrukt::DBI->get_connection(@{$self->{db_settings}}) or return undef;
                my $where = (defined $id ? "WHERE id = " . int($id) : "");
                my $rv = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT id, text FROM note $where", { Columns => {} });
                $rv = $rv->[0] if defined $id and defined $rv;
                return $rv;

The code for the other methods is similar, mainly differing in the SQL queries. You can find the other methods below.


Basically we just have to replace the file operations with calls to our backend plugin.

But with a database in the background it's easy to store multiple notes. This will lead to some more changes to the code and the templates. (Additionally it might be a good idea to rename the plugin to "notes", what we won't do now.)

For example, we now must create a new action add with appropriate templates:

        #show a form to add a new note. save the note, if a new one is entered
        sub add : Action {
                my ($self, $tag, $content, $params) = @_;
                my $template = use_plugin 'template';
                if (exists $params->{text}) {
                        #create note
                        $self->default($tag, $content, $params);
                } else {
                        #display a form to add a note

We also have to modify the default action and the note_show template to display a list of notes and not only a single note. In the template, the variable

        <+$ text $+>(no text)<+$ / $+>

will basically be replaced by a list with the name notes:

        <+@ notes @+>
                <+$ text $+>(no text)<+$ / $+>
                <hr />
        <+@ / @+>

Additionally the edit and delete actions and templates now need to know, which note to edit or delete.

As it would not contribute to your learning effort to discuss every code change to let the plugin work with multiple notes, these changes won't be listed here.

You can take a look at the modified and new methods and templates below.


The result of this tutorial is a

  • Note taking application

  • that stores multiple notes in a database

  • which can be edited and deleted.

  • It has full separation of code, content and presentation.

  • It has an easily exchangeable, configurable backend.

  • The presentation is fully customizable through templates - no need to touch the code!

  • The database tables and templates are installed automatically.

  • The application can be embedded everywhere in your website with no work:

            <& note / &>


You might want to add the author of each note to the data model. You might also restrict the creation and deletion of notes to registered users.

Addionally there are some special cases that should be communicated to the user: Empty note list, note to edit/delete does not exist, errors while modifying the DB, ... .

But these details are out of the scope of this tutorial. Feel free to look at the source of the existing plugins to get an idea, how you can accomplish your tasks.


Main plugin

        package Konstrukt::Plugin::note;
        use strict;
        use warnings;
        use base 'Konstrukt::SimplePlugin';
        use Konstrukt::Plugin; #import use_plugin
        sub init {
                my ($self) = @_;
                $Konstrukt::Settings->default("note/template_path" => '/templates/note/');
                $Konstrukt::Settings->default("note/backend"       => 'DBI');
                $self->{backend} = use_plugin "note::" . $Konstrukt::Settings->get('note/backend') or return undef;
                $self->{template_path} = $Konstrukt::Settings->get("note/template_path");
                return 1;
        sub install {
                my ($self) = @_;
                return $Konstrukt::Lib->plugin_file_install_helper($self->{template_path});
        #show the note if exists
        sub default : Action {
                my ($self, $tag, $content, $params) = @_;
                my $template = use_plugin 'template';
                my $notes = $self->{backend}->get_notes();
                if (@$notes) {
                        #add a template node to the result, that will display the notes
                                $template->node("$self->{template_path}layout/notes_show.template", { notes => $notes })
                } else {
        #show a form to add a new note. save the note, if a new one is entered
        sub add : Action {
                my ($self, $tag, $content, $params) = @_;
                my $template = use_plugin 'template';
                if (exists $params->{text}) {
                        #create note
                        $self->default($tag, $content, $params);
                } else {
                        #display a form to add a note
        #show a form to edit the note or save the note, if a new one is entered
        sub edit : Action {
                my ($self, $tag, $content, $params) = @_;
                my $template = use_plugin 'template';
                if (exists $params->{id} and exists $params->{text}) {
                        #update note
                        $self->{backend}->update_note($params->{id}, $params->{text});
                        $self->default($tag, $content, $params);
                } elsif (exists $params->{id}) {
                        #display a form to edit the note
        #show a confirmation to delete to note
        #or delete the note if the deletion has been confirmed
        sub delete : Action {
                my ($self, $tag, $content, $params) = @_;
                my $template = use_plugin 'template';
                if (exists $params->{id} and exists $params->{delete} and $params->{delete}) {
                        #delete note
                        $self->default($tag, $content, $params);
                } elsif (exists $params->{id}) {
                        #display a confirmation form
                        $self->add_node($template->node("$self->{template_path}layout/note_delete.template", { id => $params->{id} }));
        -- 8< -- textfile: layout/notes_show.template -- >8 --
        <div class="note entries">
                <+@ notes @+>
                        <+$ text $+>(no text)<+$ / $+>
                        <br />
                        <a href="?note_action=edit;id=<+$ id / $+>">[ edit ]</a>
                        <a href="?note_action=delete;id=<+$ id / $+>">[ delete ]</a>
                        <hr />
                <+@ / @+>
        -- 8< -- textfile: layout/notes_show_empty.template -- >8 --
        <div class="note entries">
                <h1>No notes yet!</h1>
        -- 8< -- textfile: layout/note_add.template -- >8 --
        <div class="note form add">
                <form action="" method="post">
                        <input type="hidden" name="note_action" value="add" />
                        <textarea name="text">(new note)</textarea>
                        <input type="submit" value="Add" />
        -- 8< -- textfile: layout/note_edit.template -- >8 --
        <div class="note form edit">
                <form action="" method="post">
                        <input type="hidden" name="note_action" value="edit" />
                        <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<+$ id / $+>" />
                        <textarea name="text"><+$ text $+>(no text yet)<+$ / $+></textarea>
                        <input type="submit" value="Save" />
        -- 8< -- textfile: layout/note_delete.template -- >8 --
        <div class="note form delete">
                <form action="" method="post">
                        <input type="hidden" name="note_action" value="delete" />
                        <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<+$ id / $+>" />
                        <input type="checkbox" id="delete" name="delete" value="1" />
                        <label for="delete">Really delete the note?</label>
                        <input type="submit" value="Delete" />
        -- 8< -- textfile: messages/add_successful.template -- >8 --
        <div class="note message success">
                <h1>Note added!</h1>
                <p>The note has been added successfully.</p>
        -- 8< -- textfile: messages/edit_successful.template -- >8 --
        <div class="note message success">
                <h1>Note updated!</h1>
                <p>The note has been updated successfully.</p>
        -- 8< -- textfile: messages/delete_successful.template -- >8 --
        <div class="note message success">
                <h1>Note deleted!</h1>
                <p>The note has been deleted successfully.</p>


        package Konstrukt::Plugin::note::DBI;
        use strict;
        use warnings;
        use base 'Konstrukt::Plugin';
        sub init {
                my ($self) = @_;
                my $db_source = $Konstrukt::Settings->get('blog/backend/DBI/source');
                my $db_user   = $Konstrukt::Settings->get('blog/backend/DBI/user');
                my $db_pass   = $Konstrukt::Settings->get('blog/backend/DBI/pass');
                $self->{db_settings} = [$db_source, $db_user, $db_pass];
                return 1;
        sub install {
                my ($self) = @_;
                return $Konstrukt::Lib->plugin_dbi_install_helper($self->{db_settings});
        sub get_notes {
                my ($self, $id) = @_;
                my $dbh = $Konstrukt::DBI->get_connection(@{$self->{db_settings}}) or return undef;
                my $where = (defined $id ? "WHERE id = " . int($id) : "");
                my $rv = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT id, text FROM note $where ORDER BY id", { Columns => {} });
                $rv = $rv->[0] if defined $id and defined $rv;
                return $rv;
        sub add_note {
                my ($self, $text) = @_;
                my $dbh = $Konstrukt::DBI->get_connection(@{$self->{db_settings}}) or return undef;
                $text = $dbh->quote($text);
                return $dbh->do("INSERT INTO note(text) VALUES($text)");
        sub update_note {
                my ($self, $id, $text) = @_;
                my $dbh = $Konstrukt::DBI->get_connection(@{$self->{db_settings}}) or return undef;
                $id   = $dbh->quote($id);
                $text = $dbh->quote($text);
                return $dbh->do("UPDATE note SET text = $text WHERE id = $id");
        sub delete_note {
                my ($self, $id) = @_;
                my $dbh = $Konstrukt::DBI->get_connection(@{$self->{db_settings}}) or return undef;
                return $dbh->do("DELETE FROM note WHERE id = " . int($id));
        -- 8< -- dbi: create -- >8 --
          id          INT UNSIGNED     NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
          text        TEXT             NOT NULL,
          PRIMARY KEY(id)


        <& note / &>
        <a href="?note_action=add">[ add note ]</a>
        <br />
        <a href="?">[ all notes ]</a>


Copyright 2006 Thomas Wittek (mail at gedankenkonstrukt dot de). All rights reserved.

This document is free software. It is distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.


Previous: Konstrukt::Doc::Tutorial::Plugin::Note::Template

Parent: Konstrukt::Doc

See also: Konstrukt::SimplePlugin, Konstrukt::Doc::CreatingPlugins, Konstrukt::DBI, DBI