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Changes for version 0.002 - 2024-03-07

  • Rename module/dist Sah-Schema{s,Bundle}-Comparer.


Generate completion for Comparer::* module name with optional params
Perl Comparer::* module name without the prefix, e.g. foo
Perl Comparer::* module name without the prefix (e.g. Foo::bar) with optional arguments (e.g. Foo::baz,qux,quux)
Array of Perl Comparer::* module names without the prefix, e.g. ["Foo::bar", "Foo::baz"]
Array of Perl Comparer::* module names without the prefix, with optional args, e.g. ["Foo::bar", "Foo::baz=qux,quux"]
Sah schemas related to Comparer
Perl Comparer::* module name without the prefix, e.g. foo
Perl Comparer::* module name without the prefix (e.g. Foo::bar) with optional arguments (e.g. Foo::baz,qux,quux)
Array of Perl Comparer::* module names without the prefix, e.g. ["Foo::bar", "Foo::baz"]
Array of Perl Comparer::* module names without the prefix, with optional args, e.g. ["Foo::bar", "Foo::baz=qux,quux"]